BettorEdge is the future of Sports Betting.
A social betting marketplace where bettors compete against each other with no vig.
BettorEdge works differently than traditional sports betting, instead of betting against a sportsbook or "The House", we match you up with other BettorEdge users.

What is BettorEdge?
Track Your Friend's Profile & Copy/Fade Their Picks
With a Social tab built to give you your own custom experience, you can see exactly what your friends are betting on! Check out their stats and stats of others on the leaderboard to find more ways to win!

Host weekly or monthly betting competitions on BettorEdge with no fees taken from you!
From pick’ems where you choose the outcome of multiple games to Auction Squares where you can choose numbers to predict the scoring throughout the game, your community is bound to have fun competing!
Get Competitive with your Community!

BettorEdge has been recognized across the Sports Betting & Startup Community, you're bound to love it too!

Hear What Others Have to Say About Their Favorite Discord Bot

Talk sports betting
Bet together
Bet Head to Head
Track their bets easily
Win more with their sports betting
Perfect for Discord communities that want to:
Quick access to BettorEdge’s revolutionary betting platform
Commands to bet real money with or against your community
Easy bet tracking, including win-loss, profits and head-to-head records
This bot brings benefits, including:
Engage your community more by bringing betting markets directly into chat
Add a wager to friendly banter – members can back up trash talk with bets with or against other bettors in the community.
Keep them coming back – tracking other’s bets keeps your community coming back to see who’s on top.
Why Should I Add This to My Discord Community?